How to De-Clutter Your Home: Things to get rid of in every room!

During the month of February I went through and de-cluttered our house! Call me Monica (from Friends) but gosh did it feel good!! I have created a list of things to get rid of in every room! The list ranges from the kitchen to the bathroom with items you should either throw away or give to Goodwill. As you start this process, you will probably be surprised at how many useless things you hold onto just in case you need it. The reality is… you probably won’t! And it is just cluttering up your home.

This doesn’t have to be something you tackle today or even tomorrow, but take it one room at a time and try it out! It’s the perfect list for Spring Cleaning!

The Kitchen

  1. Some of those old cups/mugs/glasses – Goodwill
  2. Coupons that have expired
  3. Tupperware with no lids
  4. Phone books
  5. Anything that is chipped

The Living Room

  1. Old magazines/catalogs
  2. DVDs you don’t watch – Goodwill
  3. CDs you don’t listen to – Goodwill
  4. Remotes – Most of the time you can program one remote to do everything!
  5. Knickknacks – Decorations that don’t add anything

The Closet

  1. Jeans that just don’t fit right – Goodwill
  2. Running shoes that are worn out – As a runner, I have so many of these that need to go to Goodwill or in the garbage
  3. Clothes in your closet you wouldn’t buy now – Goodwill
  4. Worn out socks or tights with runs – Yes, I know… you might need them someday, but throwing them out now will make you buy new ones instead of wearing ones that have no business being on
  5. Costumes you won’t wear again – Goodwill

The Bathroom

  1. Old makeup/makeup brushes
  2. Toiletries you just never use
  3. Old nail polish
  4. Jewelry you never wear – Goodwill
  5. Old towels

The Office

  1. Old technology/electronics/cell phones
  2. Old papers, bills, etc – I will be posting a blog later this month on organizing all of the documents you need to save!
  3. Keepsakes that you will never do anything with – wedding invites, save the dates, shower invites, wedding favors, cards
  4. Old calendars or planners – This one was hard for me!
  5. Pens, markers, pencils – I am a junkie when it comes to creative things, but I parted with them, so can you!

The Computer

  1. Duplicates or photos you’ll never use – If you are like me, I take pictures of projects or ideas I want to remember… which means I have a million pictures on my computer!
  2. Unsubscribe to emails you never look at
  3. Create folders to organize your computer
  4. If you have folders/things you want to save, but will rarely use, put them on a flash drive
  5. Delete emails you don’t need

The Garage

  1. Old paint
  2. Old pet toys/accessories
  3. Yard tools you just don’t use
  4. Old sports equipment
  5. Expired chemicals/cleaners

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