About Me

Boxwood Bliss: About Me

My name is Morgan and I am the voice behind Boxwood Bliss. I created this blog as a creative outlet for myself and in hopes to create a place where people can be inspired. A place to share the idea of “creating your own bliss!”

My husband, Mike and I live in Nashville, Tennessee with our two fur babies, Tucker James and Sadie! We bought our first home and got married all in the same month! With me going through post wedding planning blues, I found pure joy in turning Mike and I’s first house into a home that is authentically us! One project at a time we are turning a house into our home. Every project might not turn out perfectly (once I was making cookie bowls for an ice cream bar and I caught the oven on fire #pinterestfail), but I am a the type of person that enjoys the journey.

About Me Quote

Boxwood Bliss has been a long time in the making. I have been photographing and documenting every DIY project for years in hopes to start a blog. Well here it is! Basically it is a journal of my life. While I plan to have a lot of post regarding DIY projects, repurposing old things, decorating ideas for the home, entertaining and event ideas, holiday fun, and wedding ideas, I also plan to share things that are completely Morgan: items that I love and experiences I go through.

If that wasn’t enough information about me, check out my “50 Random Facts About Me” blog and follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!

Thanks for stopping by Boxwood Bliss! I am glad you are here and excited to inspire a little bliss in your life!
